

Welcome to Media Tree, a website dedicated to the design and development of video for teaching and learning. My name is Les Bairstow and I am an educational video producer and instructional designer.

The use of video in education has a long history, but in recent years there has been an explosion of “educational videos” on YouTube and online learning is surging. A growing body of literature affirms that instructional video is not only popular with students but can have a positive impact on learning (Fyfield et al., 2022). However, ensuring that videos meet the needs of learners requires a knowledge of the principles of video design that are empirically supported in the literature and production techniques and strategies to deploy them.

Whether you use video now or would like to in the future, or if you want to produce your own, I bring together the latest academic research and best practices from the field to help you make informed decisions on how to effectively use video for teaching and learning. 

See what you can learn.
